You can sue anyone for just about anything. Whether you win or not is another story.
Adams County Sheriff’s Officers have filed a lawsuit against Afroman (Joseph Edgar Foreman). Afroman used footage of a raid on his home to create YouTube videos and social media posts.
Did you know that Afroman is running for President?
Can you film police in Ohio?
Generally speaking, courts have widely upheld the right of people to film the police. The Ohio State Bar Association says Ohioans have the right to record police encounters. According to Ohio Rev. Code § 2933.52, Ohio is also a “one party consent” state. Obviously, there are no copyright issues. Yes, you can photograph and record police in Ohio as much as you want to.
The Video:
Here’s the YouTube video:
The Lawsuit:
The lawsuit states that police officers have suffered irreparable injury to their mental health, reputations and have suffered ridicule and other things.
The lawsuit isn’t necessarily about being recorded, it alleges that Afroman maliciously, falsely depicted the officers.
It will be an interesting case to follow.