Two-Vehicle Accident in Port Hueneme Kills One Person

A frightening vehicle crash in Port Hueneme late Friday afternoon claimed one life and injured another victim. The VC Star reported the accident took place around the intersection of North Ventura Road and Bard Road near the Naval Base gate there on July 8, 2022.

The Ventura County Fire Department responded to the scene sometime after 4:22 p.m. They report that after a collision between two vehicles, one car hit a tree and a second car rolled over. Fire Department officials confirm that one occupant was killed in the crash and another victim suffered injuries.

The Port Hueneme Police Department has not released its findings on what caused the tragic accident.

A Note on Fatal Accidents

Families receiving the news that a loved one has been lost in an accident will be devastated. This emotionally difficult time can also be followed by financial problems that unfairly target close relatives. Families will receive invoices for funeral and burial costs and ambulance fees.

A spouse or a child of the deceased can often file a wrongful death claim against an at-fault driver’s insurance company on behalf of the rest of the family. This claim can earn support to protect the family and help replace the guidance and income the victim will no longer be able to contribute to the family.

According to Quirk Accident & Injury Attorneys, a firm in Ventura County, “When the life of a family member is suddenly taken through the carelessness and negligence of somebody else, justice can be sought in both the criminal and civil courts. The criminal courts have the authority to punish a wrongdoer, while the civil courts have the authority to award damages to the family of the deceased through a wrongful death lawsuit.”

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