Motorcyclist Injured in Crash with Vehicle at Blackstone, Herndon Ave in Fresno

Fresno, CA – On Sunday evening, February 2, 2025, a 27-year-old motorcyclist sustained serious injuries in a collision after a driver mistakenly turned against a red light, according to KSEE.

The Fresno Police Department reports that the accident took place around 7:10 PM at the intersection of Blackstone and Herndon Avenues.

Officers arrived to find the motorcyclist lying in the roadway with serious injuries. Investigators determined that an 18-year-old driver of a black BMW was traveling west on Herndon Avenue and attempted to turn south onto Blackstone Avenue. The driver reportedly believed the light was green but turned left into the path of the motorcyclist, who was traveling eastbound through the intersection with a green light.

Emergency responders transported the motorcyclist to a local hospital, where he was later stabilized. The driver of the BMW remained at the scene and was cited for a red light violation.


Personal Injury Claims

Determining fault in a collision can involve multiple factors, and under California’s Comparative Liability rule, several parties can share partial responsibility. A personal injury attorney can play a crucial role in helping victims establish legal responsibility after a traffic accident.

Should evidence reveal that another party contributed to the injuries, victims may be eligible to file a personal injury claim with the responsible party’s insurance. This can provide compensation to help cover damages such as hospital bills and lost income during recovery.

If you or someone you love was harmed in an accident like the one described here, feel free to contact Maison Law for any questions or to receive a no-cost, no-obligation case assessment.

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