Fresno, CA — Near Woodward Park in Fresno on the night of Sunday, April 7, 2024, a man lost his life in a multiple-vehicle crash, according to the Fresno Bee. Officers from the Fresno Police Department rushed to the scene following the collision, which occurred at 9:20 PM in the vicinity of Friant and Audubon. Reports indicated that five vehicles were involved in the incident.
Initial investigations suggest that a small four-door vehicle may have run a red light while traveling south on Friant, striking an SUV that was entering the intersection. The impact of the collision also affected three other vehicles that were stopped at the red light.
As a result of the crash, a man sustained serious injuries and was promptly transported to a local hospital, where he tragically succumbed to his injuries. Additionally, three other individuals reported complaints of pain following the collision.
The intersection remained blocked for several hours to facilitate the investigation into the fatal crash. It is currently unclear whether drugs or alcohol played a role in the collision.
Wrongful Death Claims
While no amount of money can bring back those who lose their lives in a vehicular fatality, the emotional burden of their loss is often accompanied by a financial burden that falls on their surviving family members.
A wrongful death claim filed with the insurance provider of an at-fault driver can provide compensation to help cover medical expenses, burial costs, and even the loss of support for dependents of the deceased.
However, because insurance companies carry the incentive to reduce the payout for any claim they cannot deny, the services of a skilled personal injury attorney can prove crucial in securing justice for the deceased.
Determining Fault in a Personal Injury or Wrongful Death Claim
Some news reports have suggested which driver was at fault for the collision. This is likely based on a police report. It is important to note that an accident report simply contains a police officer’s opinion.
However, there are a wide variety of factors courts will take into consideration when determining fault. Additionally, California is a Pure Comparative Negligence State, meaning that the injured party can still file a claim even if they did indeed contribute to the accident.