Woman Trapped After T-Bone Crash at 62nd St, Fruitridge Rd in Sacramento

Sacramento, CA — According to KCRA, on the morning of Wednesday, April 3, 2024, emergency services responded to a reported car crash with injury at the intersection of 62nd Street and Fruitridge Road in Sacramento.

At approximately 7:46 AM, EMS was dispatched to the scene, in a residential area near the Bel Air supermarket, located between the neighborhoods of Fruitridge Manor and Tallac Village.

There they found a woman trapped inside her vehicle following a T-Bone collision. First responders worked to extricate her from the car, and she was subsequently transported to a hospital for medical treatment.

Details regarding the cause of the crash and the number of vehicles involved remain unclear at this time. Authorities are continuing their investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Personal Injury Claims

Establishing fault in a collision can depend on various factors, and the state of California allows for partial liability to be allocated to multiple parties. Helping to determine legal liability is one of the ways that a personal injury attorney can help victims as they are recovering from a traffic accident.

Suppose it is determined that another party holds responsibility for their injuries. In that case, victims may be eligible to file a personal injury claim with the insurance provider of those at fault. A personal injury claim can provide compensation to help cover hospital fees, burial costs, and the loss of income due to time taken off work for recovery.

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