San Luis Obispo County, CA – On the afternoon of Sunday, February 25, 2024, at the Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, 31-year-old Taylor Brard of Atascadero died in an off-highway vehicle (OHV) crash, The Tribune reports.
Around 2 PM, park ranger staff received notice of an OHV crash and found the vehicle on its side at the bottom of a large bowl near post 22 on the park’s Sand Highway. There was damage visible on the vehicle’s roll cage, with no other vehicles involved.
Although bystanders, park rangers, and Cal Fire attempted life-saving procedures on Brard, he succumbed to his wounds and was pronounced dead at the scene. His passenger received airlift via helicopter to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.
The cause of the crash remains under investigation.
Wrongful Death Claims in Single-Vehicle Collisions
The compensation provided by a wrongful death claim can help relieve grieving families of the financial burdens associated with the loss of a loved one in a vehicular fatality, addressing medical expenses, burial costs, and even the loss of income to support dependents of the deceased.
In some circumstances, investigations can reveal that some portion of the liability for a single-vehicle collision might fall upon other drivers in the vicinity of the accident or even unsafe roadway structures. Working through the particulars of liability to help those who have lost a loved one find proper compensation for their loss is one of the many services a personal injury attorney can provide.
Once liability has been established, a personal injury attorney can also negotiate on behalf of the victim with insurance companies, who will always seek to minimize the payout for any claim they cannot deny.