Two Women Killed In Semi Truck Rollover in Madera County

Two people lost their lives in a tragic accident involving a big-rig rollover in southern Madera County Wednesday afternoon.

FOX26 News reported the accident happened around 4:15 p.m. along Avenue 7 near the intersection of Road 31, northwest of Fresno on November 3, 2021.

The California Highway Patrol found that a semi-truck driver was traveling east on Avenue 7 when he drifted off the road into a dirt shoulder for an unknown reason. The truck driver then over corrected to return to the road and turned the truck and trailer over. The trailer landed on a Nissan traveling westbound on Avenue 7.

Two women in the Nissan were pronounced dead at the scene. No other injuries were reported.

The truck lost its load of pomegranates and the fruit had to be removed from the roadway. Investigators are still determining the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Big Rig Accident Dangers in Madera County

Madera County and the Central Valley are known as prime spots for the agricultural and manufacturing industries. Motorists get used to the constant flow of delivery trucks and trailers traveling the county’s streets, highways, and back roads day and night.

Unfortunately, even professional truck drivers can make a mistake and allow themselves to be distracted or to move at unsafe speeds for such large vehicles. One error may cause a loss of control and leave a heavy load in a motorist’s path.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recorded that 5,005 large trucks were involved in fatal accidents in 2019 across the nation. That accounted for almost 10% of the fatal crashes over that span.

In 2020, Madera County recorded 43 crashes involving trucks. From those accidents, two fatalities were reported and another 59 victims suffered injuries.

Many of these tragic instances can be avoided when truck drivers are held accountable for careless behavior and the companies that hire them show more care when checking driving and safety records for all employees.

A Word on Wrongful Death Claims

Families who have lost a loved one in an accident involving a truck may not be aware that they can seek assistance through a wrongful death claim. This support could help with funeral and burial costs and replace the financial support the deceased can no longer provide for his or her family. You can read more about those on my page about wrongful death claims in California.

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