Two drivers were killed in a tragic head-on collision involving a suspected DUI driver in Fresno County Monday evening. According to ABC30-TV, the accident occurred around 6:30 p.m. on Highway 180 about eight miles west of Kerman near James Road on August 16, 2021.
The California Highway Patrol says the driver of a Ford SUV going westbound left the roadway and then overcorrected to collide head-on with an oncoming Honda van. A man driving a Dodge pickup traveling behind the van swerved to avoid the first crash and ended up overturning the truck.
The 21-year-old driver of the van died at the scene. Three other people inside the van were taken to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno with moderate injuries.
The driver of the Ford SUV was also killed in the collision. The driver of the overturned Dodge truck was transported to the hospital with moderate injuries.
Investigators continue to investigate the circumstances of the crash, but believe the driver of the Ford SUV may have been driving while under the influence.
DUI Driver Dangers in Fresno County
Traffic accidents occur across Fresno County every day. The consequences of these collisions can be devastating and put lives at risk. The tragedy of such accidents is even harder to accept when the driver to blame is found traveling while under the influence of a drug or of alcohol.
The choice to get behind the wheel while impaired is a mistake on the part of the driver involved, but the blame can also fall to family, friends, and others. People who may have been around an impaired person or served them may have been able to stop a tragedy before it started.
Fresno County emergency responders record the tragic consequences of DUI accidents all year long. In 2020, California’s Transporation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) documented 417 collisions involving alcohol consumption in the county. According to TIMS, those accidents lead to a shocking 35 deaths and over 540 injuries.
Where drug use is concerned, there were nearly 90 collisions involving a driver under the influence of a drug in 2020 in Fresno County. Those accidents lead to 41 deaths and left 85 victims suffering injuries.
These tragedies are some of the most preventable of all traffic accidents. They simply require more thought on the part of a driver before consuming drugs and alcohol. There also needs to be more accountability for those who willingly allow someone to leave in a vehicle while they are impaired.
Finding Support for Victims And Their Families After a Fresno County Accident
After a tragic accident, victims and their families can’t always trust insurance companies to inform them of their rights. Insurance representatives for at-fault drivers may not inform families of all the options available to victims and close relatives.
These options include wrongful death claims for families who have lost a loved one or claims for damages for victims trying to recover from serious injury. If you or a family member is ever involved in a serious crash, be sure to speak to an attorney in your area. You can visit our page about car accidents in Fresno County for more information.