Snapchat is giving users an early Christmas present. On December 22nd, 2015 Snapchat “secretly” released seven new trophies for users to unlock. In early November 2015 Snapchat added eight new trophies to the Trophy Case but users were never able to unlock these trophies and most users felt this was just a joke Snapchat was playing on its users. That was obviously not the case as Snapchat was simply preparing for a Christmas present.
It is obvious why Snapchat released these trophies three days before Christmas. Middle school, high school and college students have all the free time in the world to unlock these trophies. That means they will be spending even more time on the Snapchat app rather than traveling around to see their friends and family.
Five of the seven new Snapchat trophies have been discovered by the Wojdylo Social Media team. They are as follows:
- Mad Purple Face/Devil Face – Screenshotted Snaps
- Telephone – Phone Verification
- Letter/Email – Email Verification
- Old School Radio – Submit to Live Local Story
- Fax Machine – Scan 5 Snapcodes
The remaining two are still a mystery. The best place to find the new Snapchat trophies is to scour Twitter and Instagram for users that are doing everything they can to unlock the new trophies. It would be shocking if all seven new trophies were not revealed before Christmas Eve.
Snapchat continues to be ahead of the game when it comes to social engagement. What smarter way to get users to open the app than to give them games to play over Christmas break? It would not be surprising for Snapchat to offer other trophies, games and in app purchases on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. With students having a little bit of extra money in their pockets, Christmas Day and the day after Christmas is the time to offer great sales and deals.
In the next 72 hours it will be fun to watch Snpachat, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook maneuver through the busiest time of the year when it comes to using smartphone apps.