Snapchat Allows Users to Change Speed of Videos and Rewind

In the latest Snapchat update, October 28th, 2015, users are now able to change the speed of videos as well as play their video in reverse or rewind. Snapchat users all over the globe are sharing funny videos of themselves talking in super slow motion or extremely fast. Anyone that takes Snapchat videos or music has been playing around with the reverse or rewind feature.

Last week, Instagram came out with the Boomerang App which plays videos in reverse so it was all in due time before Snapchat offered something similar. As of October 2015 Snapchat is winning the battle when it comes to video views. Snapchat has stated that over four (4) billion videos are watched every single day through the app. This is in line with Facebook and will likely overtake both Facebook and YouTube in the very near future.

Now that Snapchat has added the rewind, slow motion and fast forward filters for videos we look for the number of daily views to increase even more. By doing a quick YouTube search for Snapchat rewind or Snapchat fast forward searchers will find a number of very funny videos. It is a unique way to see what a song sounds like when played backwards.

For iPhone 6 and 6s users there is not a hold to add feature. This feature will likely not be nearly as popular as the video feature as most Snapchat users already have most of their friends following them on Snapchat. Over the next year there is a good chance Snapchat will do their best to enhance their discovery options for friends, family members and random people. Snapchat QR codes are being shared all over the Internet but there is not a true database for people to find other Snapchat users. Look for this to come with one of the next updates in late 2015 or early 2016.

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