Everyone knows of the ACORN video scandal by now and with the employees featured in the film being fired and ACORN either being rudely awakened to the goings-on within the organization or called out on known practices (depending on what you believe about ACORN) it’s obvious unlawful actions occurred within the organization.
The problem with the ACORN lawsuit against the filmmakers is odd in that ACORN was caught red-handed yet they’re angry about the hidden camera video, which is a journalistic tool that catches people in their truest form.
ACORN says they do not condone what the employees did, despite the fact they were entrapped, and they want the filmmakers to pay for the damages against ACORN’s reputation. To start with, how can filming underhanded and illegal practices be anything less than justified? ACORN, again, says it was entrapment. However, entrapment is inducing or forcing a person to commit an illegal offence that they, under normal circumstances would never do. So, how were the employees involved in entrapment when they willingly and casually helped people needing information on committing illegal activities?
Patrioticpost.com has an article on this same subject and writes: “…they [ACORN] will be launching an internal investigation into the “indefensible actions of a handful of employees.” Where have I heard that before? Could it be when they were going to launch an internal investigation into the employees who filled out false voter-registration forms?”
Do you think that the filmmakers are at blame for ACORN’s current predicament and the organization simply has a few bad apples in the bunch or, due to their questionable practices, has ACORN finally got their comeuppance?
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